Wednesday, October 29, 2014

iSCSI and FCoE

Data centers typically run multiple separate networks, including an Ethernet network for client-to-server and server-to-server communications, and a Fibre Channel SAN. To support various types of networks, data centers use separate, redundant interface modules for each network, such as Ethernet network interface cards (NICs) and Fibre Channel interfaces in their servers, and redundant pairs of switches at each layer in the network architecture. Use of parallel infrastructures increases capital costs, makes data center management more difficult, and decreases business flexibility.

A unified fabric can meet these challenges, consolidating I/O in the data center and allowing Fibre Channel and Ethernet networks to share a single, integrated infrastructure.

 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is one of the major components of a Unified Fabric. FCoE is a new technology developed by Cisco that is standardized in the Fibre Channel Backbone 5 (FC-BB-5) working group of Technical Committee T11 of the International Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS). Most large data centers have huge installed bases of Fibre Channel and want a technology that maintains the Fibre Channel model. FCoE assumes a lossless Ethernet, in which frames are never dropped (as in Fibre Channel) and that therefore does not use IP and TCP.

A more detailed comparison can be found at,

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


 Hi Fellow Techies,

This blog is an independent blog written and published by me,Priya.

It's mainly about technology though it might wander into other areas at times because I am passionate about  Technology/Engineering/Programming/Learning.

This is my soul space where I share my experiences, interests and reflections through few technical notes/links and references about my passion.

I want to use this blog as a testing ground for exploring new ideas or thinking through stuff on the web that I find interesting or annoying.

I try my best to speak freely on this blog, airing my own personal views and no one else’s. I am solely responsible for all errors and boneheaded remarks in my posts.

My back-story and why I am here :

I grew up in Tirupati, the storytelling pilgrim center of India, a place where nobody needs an excuse to start telling a story. It's in the blood. Now I live in one of the busiest IT cities in India,Bangalore. Not any better when I was in Hyderabad, another busy IT city.There are times, I would require to inspire/motivate myself to go on with the mechanical life and find that through reading and music and very rarely, playing/singing/dancing in rain. I used to do that often in my child hood ;P.

I am a passionate systems software professional and author of this blog living in Banglore, India. I like to learn things by hands-on most of the time and this is my first attempt to be creative in the world of IT by being helpful with some technical help that I could conjure up.

My fascination for computers began when I was doing my high school. computers were buzzword those days just like cloud these days :) and hearing it at regular phase, piped my interest to jump into that area and dig more. so, that's when I decided to pursue engineer and be a software engineer. Later, when I got into the field, I realized I enjoy working over system side like kernel modules.

There are still some areas where I am interested to try/code but still at learning stage like networking, embedded systems, firmware etc.., That's why I'm planning to post any to all the information I learn over time in this blog.

I enjoy writing up at my free time since it's a dream of me to have my writings published sometime in future. I spend a great deal of time in learning how to write.Sure, I wrote/co-authored a couple of stories here and there but I still have a long road journey. So, the only area where I could test by starting off sharing few topics/aspects that I experienced being with technology.Oh, I'm good with computers :) someday, I plan on inventing new stuff on my own.

I also love music and currently been addicted to k-pop these days.
I like all varieties of Indian vegetarian food { though, I'm terrible at cooking :)}
I like to try new customization apps on my lappy.
I like to read stories online and imagine fiction.
I believe - "Words have vibrations".

Professional Bio :

Lakshmi Priya Kanduru is a technology driven professional with over 8 years of IT experience.She graduated from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University with a bachelors in computer science and engineering. Priya joined IBM in 2006 as a test engineer for PowerHA SystemMirror { a HA/DR solution on AIX } and later moved onto development/design/lead High availability features of PowerHA SystemMirror. Her expertise include PowerHA SystemMirror, AIX, Storage, Virtualization, Middle-ware like DB2,SAP,Oracle. She Programs in C, Shell Scripting, Perl on Unix/Linux. She's been in several Proof of Concept solutions at IBM.She's currently serving Wipro for HP Servers.

Achievements :
a) Filed a patent
b) Published a couple of articles at IBM developer works
c) Posted a couple of topics in my developer works blog

Honors & Awards :
a) Received the prestigious “The IBM Bravo Award” for the year 2008 for publishing Developer Works articles.
b) Received first prize for designing "Partition Manager - A sametime plugin to manage Power Partitions" for Hackday2009
c) IBM India Hackday 8-2010 winner in design category for the idea “Disk access redundancy”
d) Special Appreciation from IBM AIX Director for customer engagements {Thailand Saving bank Project, Daimler, ARAMCO, International Rectifier etc..,}

Contact me :

The best places to connect with me are in the comments of my blog or video posts or on Twitter, Instagram. I have been silent follower most of times but I now I want to come out and post again. Human relations are the strongest and most genuine so Don't hesitate to get in touch with me . I'd love to hear from you :)